Portable Fire Extinguisher maintenance requirements in New Jersey

It’s important to have proper maintenance for your portable fire extinguisher. Not only is it essential for the safety of your home or business, but it is also a requirement to have an operable fire extinguisher in New Jersey.

Fire Extinguisher Inspections

The state of New Jersey requires all one and two-family dwellings and multiple dwellings to have a working portable fire extinguisher. Inspections are required annually to ensure this portion of the New Jersey Uniform Fire Code is being followed. Proper maintenance and care of your fire extinguisher can help ensure you receive a certificate upon inspection.

Portable Fire Extinguisher Requirements

In order to be eligible to pass the inspection and receive a certificate in NJ, your home’s fire extinguisher must meet a certain set of criteria. It needs to be located within ten feet or visible from the kitchen and be mounted to a wall. It should be no heavier than ten pounds and no higher than five feet off the ground. It also needs to meet the 2A:10BC minimum rating requirements.

Routine Maintenance Self-Checks

You can do routine monthly self-checks to make sure your portable fire extinguisher is not only ready for professional inspection, but also be ready for an emergency to set your mind at ease.

  • Check to make sure nothing is blocking the fire extinguisher and the instructions are facing outward and clearly legible.
  • Verify the tamper seal isn’t broken and the fire extinguisher head, or any other part of the fire extinguisher is not damaged or corroded.
  • Look at the pressure gauge to ensure it is in operating position, and physically lift the fire extinguisher to determine it is full. You’ll won’t want to be caught with incorrect pressurization when an emergency strikes.

Get a Professional Opinion

There are many cases in which you’ll want a professional to look at your portable fire extinguisher. Even if you’ve had your extinguisher for many years with no problems, you’ll need to have it hydro-tested every twelve years to ensure there are no leaks or issues. If it has been used at all, you should get it recharged to be fully prepared. If you notice any issues, a professional can help to make sure you are prepared for routine inspections as well as unforeseen emergencies.