Spring Cleaning Can Prevent Fires

Spring cleaning isn’t just an opportunity to spruce up your digs and get rid of unneeded items, but it also can have a more significant benefit: preventing fires.

Sure, it’s normal to have accumulated quite a few items over the year and to want to ignore that corner of boxes with unwanted items, but these problem areas can actually be a fire hazard.

So, during this spring cleaning don’t just set out with the goal of making your home more tidy, but also more safe.

Check Safety Devices

Test out any smoke or carbon monoxide detectors to make sure they are working properly. If needed, replace batteries. Both detectors need to be replaced altogether after a certain amount of time. For smoke alarms, it’s 10 years or older, and for carbon monoxide detectors, it’s seven years or older.

Storing Chemicals

Whether it’s your garage or your cleaning supply closet, it’s important to check to make sure chemicals in your home are stored properly. Clean any residue that may have dripped from the containers, and check for leaks in the containers.


Check both inside and outside of your home for overloaded or damaged electrical outlets, power cords and electrical cords. Keep an eye out for exposed wires, scratches or chips. If any are identified, replace or repair. Also, make sure all outlets or power strips aren’t blocked or near paper or other potentially flammable items.


This is central to any spring cleaning. Go through your home and address any clutter that may have accumulated over the past year or months. This may include boxes of items, old newspapers and other unneeded items.

Laundry Room

Make sure any lint, fabric softener sheets, clothes or any other items are picked up off the floor and away from the washer and dryer. This is also a good time to clear out hoses and do a deep clean of the lint trap and dryer vent.

Furnace Filter

Don’t forget to give your furnace filter a look to see if it needs to be cleaned or replaced.

Emergency Plan

You should always be prepared for the worst. Consult with your family on what to do if there’s a fire and identify escape options. It’s also advisable to put together an emergency bag with contents like bottles of water, a flashlight and a battery-operated radio.

For more fire safety tips and other fire protection needs, visit Rich Fire Protection.