Rich Fire Protection Blog

Rich Fire Protection Blog

Stove Safety, What You Should Know

As cool weather settles in, many of us settle into our kitchen. Many people don’t use their stove or oven much during the summer months. However when the holiday season starts, our appliances barely catch a break. Even if you… Continue Reading

Maintaining the Smoke Alarms in Your Home

According to the National Fire Protection Association, fires that took place in homes with no smoke alarms accounted for 38 percent of home fire deaths between 2009 and 2013. Another 21 percent of home fire deaths took place in homes… Continue Reading

The Dangers of Deep Frying a Turkey

Did you know that the peak day for home cooking fires is Thanksgiving Day? This fact is not very surprising, with a turkey in the oven, multiple pots on the stove and guests arriving throughout the day. There is so… Continue Reading

Firefighter Invents Outdoor Sprinkler System

When it comes to homes that are at risk of wildlife fires, and fires in nearby forests or woods, it can be crucial to eliminate the few wind-blown embers that strike the roofs of homes nearby. The problem is that… Continue Reading

Fire Prevention Week

The sprinkler and fire suppression systems available through Rich Fire are all designed for optimal fire safety in the home or a variety of other settings. We want to keep our clients and all of their customers, guests or family… Continue Reading

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